Cyrus Baseghi Shares How to Pre Sell New Products To Maximize Your Sales

There comes a time when your business is going to have some ideas about new products and want to get as many sales as possible. When this happens, you can decide to do a pre sell. This is basically when you get people to buy your product before you even launch it. These take a lot of time and dedication to pull off, but you’ll be able to get more sales. The good news is that there are some things you can do, as told by Cyrus Baseghi, that will help your pre sell go off without issues!

Find Your Target Audience

When you decide to pre sell products, you want to make sure you find your target audience. While anyone will be able to buy your product, you’ll get more sales if you target more towards people who actually want or need it. There are a few ways to do this, such as: advertising online, sending emails to customers and advertising on places like the radio or tv.

Awesome Sales Page

You’ll also want to create an awesome sales page. Not only will this have all the details of your coming product, but it will show the customers that you’re just as excited about the product as they are. Make sure you have all the important information about the product and make sure you create the website in a way that makes people curious and excited. Having a website that isn’t set up well can cause you to lose customers and have a pre sell campaign that fails.

Talk About Benefits

One of the best ways to pre sell a product is to really talk about the benefits. Keep in mind, though, you don’t want to make them sound unbelievable or like something they aren’t. The best thing to do is stay truthful about them but talk about them in a way that excites and intrigues people. Let’s face it, you’ll get more sales and customers for a product that has fantastic benefits.

Offer Product Testing

You could also offer product testing. If possible, you could set up a program where people sign up and you choose a certain number of them to try the product. Not only will this give you great feedback on what needs fixed before final launch, but you’ll also be able to include real testimonials on your website. This will show people that you care about your product and their experiences with it.

Offer Perks for Pre-Orders

Finally, you can offer perks for those that pre-order your item. You can open the pre-order time a few months before the product is launched. There are many perks or rewards you can offer, but some ideas are: gift cards, coupons and extra items or accessories. It’s all up to you, but offering perks might result in more pre-orders.

If you follow the tips from professionals like Cyrus Baseghi, you’ll be able to set up a pre sell campaign that will get you the most sales possible. Remember, you want to make sure everything looks great and you’re advertising towards the audience that will want the product the most

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