Entrepreneur Vlad Rigenco Discusses Effective Strategies for Changing Careers

Whether you’re someone who acquired a degree to get where you are, or simply a hopeful who’s tired of your current job, changing careers may not be a simple feat. There are many things you need to consider before ultimately reinventing your employment path.

Vlad Rigenco understands what it’s like to be in that predicament. Although he had a few successful years as an entrepreneur, he worked as a part-time library attendant at York University. Being a working student, he now understood how most people felt about going to a job that they aren’t exactly passionate about.

And so, while still being a student at the university, he found ways to shape his future career. Although well-versed in business and finance, Vlad Rigenco found satisfaction in helping people find their perfect homes. In this post, he provides his insight on how to pursue a career you love.

Changing Careers? Vlad Rigenco Shares Effective Strategies

Have an internal assessment about your career goals.

The first thing that Vlad Rigenco did when he was experiencing a career-related fork in the road was to internally think about what he really wanted to do.

According to him, the greatest kind of career is a career where your passion meets the needs of the people in your community. What are you passionate about? Is it technology, teaching, science, or the arts? The best way is to have a list of your interests and research about the career options in those fields.

Vlad  Rigenco has a deep interest in housing. He believes that properties are one of the assets that will remain valuable in generations to come, and so he wanted to pursue that field. He knew that there was a need for his services in the Greater Toronto Area. The needs of the community matched his passion, and this is where Vlad Rigenco found his success.

See if you need extra training or studying for your new career path.

Some new career fields need extra training or education in order to be accepted for a job. For example, people who want to be in the field of healthcare would be required to earn at least an Associate’s degree to begin down the path to becoming a licensed professional.

On the other hand, other career fields may only require pre service training or online courses for the onboarding employee to take.

Assess if you have the time and resources to perform these tasks and if you have the commitment to do so. Some career paths take more time to tackle, so perform your research before attempting to quit your current job.

Focus on your job search.

The next step in pursuing a new career is being focused on your job search. There are many job boards online where you can look for quality job postings, such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or Indeed.

Before doing this, it is advisable to update your resume and professional profiles. If you have an online portfolio, make sure to include your latest work. Employers are also interested in the previous experiences and related training that you had for the position you’re applying for, so make sure that information is included in your resume.

When Vlad Rigenco started out his career journey as a young adult, he applied for several companies. His educational background allowed him to stand out from other candidates, and he was able to pick out the corporations he would like to work for. He believes that combining credentials and previous experience are key to impressing employers.

Look ahead with your long-term goals.

One of the questions that would-be employers ask is where candidates see themselves 5-10 years later. If you want to change your career for good, it is best to look at it as a long-term plan.

How do you plan to progress in this field? Will you apply for future internal positions? Will you eventually branch out and start your own business? Do you plan to mentor others? Think about your long-term career goals, and this will also help you create the small steps you need to make it happen.

Don’t neglect the power of networking.

Even in the realm of careers, no man is an island. This is what Vlad Rigenco learned in his years of being a business professional.

In order to get job referrals, you need to talk to people within the industry you’re targeting. To get mentorship and sound advice, you need to go to events for professionals who are already in your chosen field. The odds of being successful in your career change also depends on how well you connect with others on a similar path.

These are the effective strategies that Mr. Rigenco used in order to establish a new career path. He hopes that people can learn from his professional experience and apply it for their own employment success.

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